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三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析 :经济学教授、博士生导师,2022年3月至今
美国密西西比州立大学商三公赌博 :经济学副教授 (终身教职),2021年7月至2021年12月
美国密西西比州立大学商三公赌博 :经济学助理教授,2015年8月至2021年6月
美国迈阿密大学 (University of Miami),经济学博士,2015年5月
美国迈阿密大学 (University of Miami),经济学硕士,2012年5月
1. Li, Cheng and Huangxing Mao. 2024. “Delegation to Incentivize Information Production.” Mathematical Social Sciences, 129: 1-11.
2. Li, Cheng, Le Wang and Junsen Zhang. 2024. “Politician’s Childhood Experience and Government Policies: Evidence from the Chinese Great Famine.” Journal of Comparative Economics, 52 (1): 76-92.
3. Li, Cheng and Yancheng Xiao. 2023. “Information Design, Externalities, and Government Interventions.” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 25 (4): 821-839.
4. Li, Cheng and Christopher Cotton. 2023. “Profiling Restrictions in a Model of Law Enforcement and Strategic Crime.” European Journal of Law and Economics, 55: 511-532.
5. Li, Cheng. 2020. “Centralized Policymaking and Informational Lobbying.” Social Choice and Welfare, 54 (4): 527-557.
6. Zhang, Xufang, Changyou Sun, Jason Gordon, Cheng Li and Ian A. Munn. 2020. “Antidumping Duty Investigations and Decisions in the Global Forest Products In- dustry.” Forest Science, 66 (6): 666-677.
7. Li, Cheng. 2019. “Informational Benefits of Managerial Myopia.” Economics Letters, 185: 108705.
8. Cotton, Christopher and Cheng Li. 2018. “Clueless Politicians: On Policymaker Incentives for Information Acquisition in a Model of Lobbying.” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 34 (3): 425- 456.
9. Campos, Sergio J. and Cheng Li. 2018. “Discovery Disclosure and Deterrence.” Vanderbilt Law Review, 71 (6): 1993-2013.
10. Li, Cheng. 2017. “A model of Bayesian Persuasion with Transfers,” Economics Letters, 161: 93-95.
11. Connolly, Michael and Cheng Li. 2016. “Government Spending and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 19 (4): 386- 395.
12. Cotton, Christopher and Cheng Li. 2015. “Profiling, Screening, and Criminal Recruitment.” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17 (6): 964-985.
13. Cotton, Christopher S., Cheng Li, Frank McIntyre and Joseph P. Price. 2015. “Which Explanations for Gender Differences in Competition are Consistent with a Simple Theoretical Model?” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 59: 56-67.
14. Campos, Sergio J., Christopher S. Cotton and Cheng Li. 2015. “Deterrence Effects under Twombly: On the Costs of Increasing Pleading Standards in Litigation.” International Review of Law and Economics, 44: 61-71.
1. 主持2023年湖北省社科基金前期资助项目(高等学校哲学社会科学研究重大项目):“湖北法治化营商环境优化路径研究”
2. 主持2023年中南财经政法大学中央高校基本科研项目:“立案登记制改革对诉前行为的影响:基于博弈分析的视角”
3. 主持2023年湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划项目:“新冠肺炎疫情防控视角下湖北省公共卫生资源空间配置的优化研究”
2019年:美国公共选择协会(PCS)年会,美国东部经济学会(EEA)年会,美国中西部理论经济学会议, 美国南方经济学会(SEA)年会
2014年:美国迈阿密大学经济系学术讲座, 加拿大女皇大学经济系学术讲座, 加拿大魁北克大学经济系学术讲座
2013年:美国公共选择协会(PCS)年会, 厦门大学制度经济学国际研讨会, 美国南方经济学会(SEA)年会,美国迈阿密大学经济系学术讲座
担任以下20余个国际学术期刊审稿人:American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Applied Economics, Comparative Political Studies, Economics Bulletin, Economics Letters, Energy Journal, Frontiers of Economics in China, Games, International Review of Economics and Finance, International Studies of Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Journal of Chinese Governance, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Journal of Management & Organization, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Managerial and Decision Economics, PLOS ONE, Portuguese Economic Journal, Social Choice and Welfare, Social Indicators Research, Social Science Journal