
文澜学术系列讲座 第212期 Nicolas HANSSENS:“Luxury Marketing in the Digital Era”


主题 | TopicLuxury Marketing in the Digital Era

时间 | Time329号(周二)|March. 29th (Tuesday), 1600 – 17:30

地点 | Venue文澴楼217Room 217WENHUAN

主讲 | Speaker

Nicolas Hanssens graduated from the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland and was lecturer and researcher for this institution from 2009 to 2011. His research focused on the international marketing strategy for luxury goods, with a specific emphasize on the Chinese market. Nicolas Hanssens has a significant track-record as marketing consultant in the luxury sector and was in charge of the Digital Transformation of the Swatch Group globally from 2016 to 2021.

研究领域 | Research Interests 

International Marketing Strategy for Luxury Goods

摘要| Abstract

This talk aims to present the challenges faced by the luxury industry since digital marketing became a critical growth driver. Concrete industry experiences will be shared to illustrate the theoretical frameworks.