
文澜学术系列讲座 第210期 中南财经政法大学 刘晓峰 副教授:"Pricing and observational learning in crowdfunding: the moderate effect of target"


主题 | TopicPricing and observational learning in crowdfunding: the moderate effect of target

时间 | Time1224号(周五)|Dec.24th(Friday), 1400 –15:30

地点 | Venue文澴楼414Room 414WENHUAN


主讲 | Speaker

刘晓峰,中南财经政法大学工商管理三公赌博 营销管理系副教授。主要从事市场营销和行为运作的交叉研究,先后于普渡大学、香港城市大学做访问学者。在 Production and operations managementDecision Science、《管理科学学报》、《中国管理科学》、《管理工程学报》、《管理科学》、《财贸经济》杂志发表多篇学术论文。主持国家自然科学青年基金、国家社科一般项目和教育部人文社科基金等项目。


研究领域| Research Interests 



摘要| Abstract

This paper studies pricing and observational learning in a reward-based crowdfunding campaign context. The creator sets a funding target and uses different pricing strategies in order to make the project successful: menu price and other static or dynamic price strategies, such as low price, high price, and intertemporal price. In a sequential game, the creator needs to choose the optimal pricing strategy with or without information disclosure. With information disclosure, the follower can infer the quality of the product by observing the former’s decision. We found that this observational learning effect is a double-edged sword and is positively moderated by the target when different pricing strategies are adopted: on one hand, it will benefit the creator from intertemporal pricing strategy or high price strategy if the target is very high; on the other hand, it has an adverse effect on the profit if menu price (high price) is adopted when the target is relatively (very) low. In some condition, menu price (high price) without information disclosure will be optimal when the target is relative (very) low.