
文澜学术系列讲座 第206期 南京审计大学社会与经济研究院 宋天乐 助理教授:“Robust Pricing in Product Markets”


主题 | TopicRobust Pricing in Product Markets

时间 | Time1126号(周五)|Nov. 26th (Friday), 1400 – 15:30

地点 | Venue文澴楼414Room 414WENHUAN

主讲 | Speaker

宋天乐老师现为南京审计大学社会与经济研究院助理教授。研究方向为微观经济理论和产业组织理论;研究兴趣包括定价策略,信息披露,契约理论和数字经济。研究成果发表在英文期刊 Managerial and Decision Economics Journal of Industrial Economics 上。

研究领域 | Research Interests 


Microeconomic Theory, Information Economics, Industrial Organization

摘要 | Abstract

A supplier wishes to sell her products to a retailer for resale in a market. However, the supplier faces nonquantifiable uncertainty about the strategy space of the retailer; thus she designs a robust price menu that maximizes her guaranteed (worst-case) profit. We find that an optimal price menu can simply be linear in quantity and the linearity persists when the retailer is a final consumer; moreover, two-part tariffs arise in equilibrium when upfront payments are feasible. We also discuss welfare implications when a price restraint is imposed on the market price.