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经济学博士学位,澳大利亚阿德莱德大学   2014年-2019年

经济学博士学位,中央财经大学                  2013年-2017年

经济学硕士学位,中央财经大学                  2011年-2013年

经济学学士学位,烟台大学                          2007年-2011年



三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析  副教授      2022-至今

三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析  助理教授  2019-2022




1. Wang, Wenxiao, and Shandre Thangavelu. Trade and Human Capital in Global Value Chain in Developed and Developing Countries. Asian Economic Papers 20, no. 3 (2021): 1-15.

2. Li, Yanyun, Faqin Lin, and Wenxiao Wang. Environmental regulation and inward foreign direct investment: Evidence from the eleventh Five‐Year Plan in China. Journal of Economic Surveys 36, no. 3 (2022): 684-707.

3. Wang, Wenxiao, Shandre Thangavelu, and Faqin Lin. Global value chains, firms, and wage inequality: Evidence from China. China Economic Review 66 (2021): 101585.

4. Wang, Wenxiao, Christopher Findlay, and Shandre Thangavelu. Trade, technology, and the labour market: impacts on wage inequality within countries. Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature 35, no. 1 (2021): 19-35.

5. Thangavelu, Shandre M., Wenxiao Wang, and Sothea Oum. Servicification in global value chains: Comparative analysis of selected Asian countries with OECD. The World Economy 41, no. 11 (2018): 3045-3070.



1. Shandre Thangavelu and Wenxiao Wang. Skills and human capital development policies of ASEAN. In Handbook on East Asian Economic Integration, pp. 390-412. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.

2. Wenxiao Wang, and Shandre Thangavelu. Trade Facilitation in RCEP Countries., ERIA Discussion Paper Series - No. 444, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia.



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目72103204),全球价值链重构下的贸易利益解构与要素收入分配研究,主持,在研2022-至今

2. 中南财经政法大学青年教师学术创新项目2722022BQ052),全球价值链重塑下要素收入分配机制变迁与共同富裕研究”,主持,在研2022-至今

3. 中南财经政法大学重大国际合作项目,RCEP对亚太区域价值链重塑的影响基于全球价值链视角的研究”,主持,完成,2021-2022    

4. 中南财经政法大学青年教师学术创新项目2722020JCG073),全球价值链下中国企业出口质量升级策略研究”,主持,完成,2020-2021



1. 东盟和东亚经济研究所研究项目服务价值链:RECP 国家的机遇和挑战,参与,在研,2015-至今             

2. 东盟和东亚经济研究所研究项目全球价值链,城市及城市设施,参与,在研,2016.10-至今

3. 东盟和东亚经济研究所研究项目澳大利亚,新西兰和东盟自由贸易区政策分析,参与,完成,2017-2018  

4. 国家社科重大课题12&ZD097),国际贸易保护主义发展趋势及我国应对策略研究,参与,完成,2012-2019

5. 国家社科一般课题(20210052中国服务业扩大开放、效率与产业安全协调发展政策研究参与,在研,2021-至今



1. Wenxiao Wang, Kairong Ma and Lingyu Kong (2022). Moving Up the Global Value Chain: Effects of New Water Pollution Control Regulations in China, Working paper

2. Wenxiao Wang, Fengning Huan and Faqin Lin (2022). Labor Market Flexibility and Domestic Value-added Trade: Evidence from the Hukou Reform in China, Working paper

3. Wenxiao Wang and Thangavelu, S. (2021). Global Value Chains, Servicification of Manufacturing and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms. ERIA Working Paper

4. Wenxiao Wang, S. M. T. and Findlay, C. (2020). Trade, Polarization and Human Capital in Global Value Chains. University of Adelaide Working Paper.

5. Wenxiao Wang, S. M. T. and Findlay, C. (2019). Impact of Servicification of Manufacturing on the Labor market: The Case of Chinese Firm-Level Data. University of Adelaide Working Paper.

6. Wenxiao Wang, S. M. T., and Findlay, C. (2017). Trade, Employment and Dynamic Skills in Global Value Chains: Evidence from Malaysia. University of Adelaide Working Paper.

7. Tang, Y. and Wenxiao Wang (2018a). Trade Liberalization, Export Quality and Wage Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Chinese firms. University of Adelaide Working Paper. 

8. Tang, Y. and Wenxiao Wang (2018b). Trade Liberalization and Skill Wage Premium: The Role of Quality Upgrading. Working Paper



1. The 2020 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting, 2020.01

  Presentation: Trade Liberalization, Export Quality, and Wage Inequality: Theory

and Evidence from Chinese Firms

2. The 2019 ASSA Annual Meeting, 2019.01

Presentation: Global Value Chains, Firms, and Wage Inequality: Evidence from China

3. The 30thAnnual Meeting of the Chinese Economic Society of Australia, 2018.07

Presentation: Global Value Chains, Firm Heterogeneity, and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Chinese firms

4. ADBI-IADB-WTO Conference: Making TradeInclusive, 2017.11

Presentation: Impact of Servicification of Manufacturing on the Labor Market:The Case of Chinese Firm Level Data

5. Chinese Economists Society 2017 AnnualConference, 2017.06

Presentation: Trade Liberalization, Export Quality and Wage Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Chinese Firms

6. The 1st Adelaide PhD Summer Institute in International Trade, 2017.02

Presentation:Trade, Polarization and Human Capital in Global Value Chains

7. The 15thConference of East Asian EconomicAssociation, 2016.11

Presentation:Servicification and Global Value Chain in Asia Empirical Analysis

8. The 28thAnnual Meeting of Chinese Economic SocietyofAustralia, 2016.07

Presentation:Trade Liberalization, Quality Upgrading and Skill Wage Gaps

9. The 5thAustralian Conference ofEconomists, 2016.07

Presentation: Trade, Polarization and Human Capital in Global Value Chains

10. Global Value-Chain Training and Research Workshop, 2015.07

Training Courses Organized by the University of International Business and Economics, China Ministry of Commerce, and Stanford University