
文澜学术系列讲座 第166期 三公赌博技巧大全 曾辰航 副教授: “混合寡头下的位置选择以及有成本的产品差异化”


主题|TopicLocation Choice and Costly Product Differentiation in a Mixed Duopoly

时间|Time1011号(周五)|Oct. 11th (Friday), 2:00-5:15PM

地点Venue文澴楼709会议室|Meeting Room 709WENHUAN



曾辰航,三公赌博技巧大全 副教授,在 Review of Industrial Organization, International Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economics, Economics Letters 等国际知名期刊发表文章十余篇。


研究领域|Research Interests 


Industrial organization theoryMicroeconomic theoryPrice theory



This paper introduces costly product differentiation into a mixed duopoly with strategic location choice in the first stage and price competition in the second stage. Initially both firms locate at the center with no product differentiation. We demonstrate that the location choices critically depend on the effectiveness of investments in creating product differentiation, and the nationality of the private firm. Firstly, firms only choose to move towards the edge when the investments are sufficiently effective, regardless of whether the private firm is domestic or foreign. Secondly, a domestic profit-maximizing private firm always invests more than the public firm which maximizes social welfare. Thirdly, if the private firm is foreign owned, the public firm invests more than the private firm when the investments are moderately effective. Otherwise, the foreign private firm invests more on product differentiation.