
文澜学术系列讲座 第164期 中山大学管理三公赌博 陈斌 副教授: “Matching with Peer Monitoring”


主题|TopicMatching with Peer Monitoring

时间|Time920号(周五)|Sep. 20th (Friday), 2:00-4:30PM

地点Venue文澴楼709会议室|Meeting Room 709WENHUAN



陈斌博士现为中山大学管理三公赌博 副教授,主要研究领域为契约理论及其应用。近五年来,他已在Economic JournalManagement ScienceJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of Institutional and Theoretical EconomicsInternational Journal of Economic TheoryJournal of Regional ScienceRegional Science and Urban EconomicsChina Economic Review等国际期刊以及《经济研究》等国内期刊发表文章十余篇。


研究领域|Research Interests 




Evidence for positive peer effects in production has been well-documented in empirical studies, and these effects are found to be more significant in teams composed of members with heterogeneous abilities. By modelling peer effect as mutual monitoring between members, we show that the total agency cost is minimized by maximizing skill diversities in the teams. This result provides a novel explanation for why worker heterogeneity can strengthen peer effects. Given any pool of agents, the optimal job and team design involve assigning agents with extreme abilities into teams using negative sorting, while leaving agents with intermediate abilities to work independently.