工业管理工程学士,西安交通大学管理三公赌博 ,1997年
[19]Gong, Rukai, Wenchun Wang, Zhao Rong*, and Rudai Yang (2022), “Real Estate Expansion and Manufacturing Wage Increase in China: From the Perspective of Labor Reallocation.” forthcoming, China Economic Quarterly International.
[18]Xu, Nana, Yan Yuan, and Zhao Rong (2022), “Depressed Access to Formal Finance and the Use of Credit Card Debt in Chinese SMEs.” forthcoming, China Economic Review.
[17]Huang, Naqun, Guangjie Ning, and Zhao Rong* (2021), “Destination Homeownership and Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China.” forthcoming, Journal of Housing Economics.
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International Review of Economics and Finance; Technological Forecasting & Social Change; Emerging Market of Finance and Trade; Financial Research Letters; International Journal of Finance and Economics; Growth and Change; Economics of Innovation and Technology Change; Research Policy; Small Business Economics; Journal of Corporate Finance; Eurasian Geography and Economics; Journal of Housing Economics; Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie; Review of Development Economics; China Agricultural Economic Review; Frontiers in Psychology; Journal of Financial Research; Journal of Multinational Financial Management; Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics; Housing Policy Debate; Accounting and Finance; North American Journal of Economics and Finance; Technovation; China Economic Review; Journal of Business Research; Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
China Economic Quarterly (经济学季刊); Journal of Financial Research (金融研究); Economic Science (经济科学); 世界经济
2. 子课题负责人,2020—2022,“加快产业升级与促进农村劳动力更充分更高质量就业协同发展研究”,国家社科基金重点项目(批准号:20AZD072)。
1. 主研,2018—2021,“空气污染对我国劳动力城际和国际流动的影响”,国家自然科学基金面上项目。
Advanced Microeconomics (graduate level), spring 2019, spring 2020, spring 2021, spring 2022.
Financial Economics (undergraduate level), spring 2011, fall 2020, fall 2021.
Urban Economics (undergraduate level), spring 2018.
Financial Economics (graduate level), spring 2015, spring 2016, spring 2017.
Microeconomics II (Ph.D. level), spring 2009, spring 2010, spring 2011, spring 2015, spring 2016.
Seminar on Corporate Finance (Ph.D. level), spring 2011.
Principle of Macroeconomics (undergraduate level), spring 2012.
Intermediate Macroeconomics (undergraduate level), spring 2009, spring 2010, spring 2012.
Adjunct Instructor at Florida International University, Principles of Microeconomics, fall 2005-fall 2007.