
文澜学术系列讲座 第132期 中山大学管理三公赌博 马洪坤博士后:“非对称技术下寡头企业交叉持股的竞争与福利效应分析 Competitive and Welfare Implications of Cross-Holdings in Oligopoly ”


主题|Topic:非对称技术下寡头企业交叉持股的竞争与福利效应分析 (Competitive and Welfare Implications of Cross-Holdings in Oligopoly )

时间|Time1123号(周五)|Nov. 23th (Friday), 400 - 630PM

地点Venue文波楼205教室|Lecture Room 205WENBO


马洪坤,山东大学经济学博士,新加坡国立大学访问学者,现为中山大学管理三公赌博 博士后,珠海金融投资控股集团有限公司博士后。研究方向为:产业组织理论、金融学、博弈论与行为金融等,目前已经在国际经济学SSCI杂志Economic InquiryEconomic LettersAnnuals of Economics and Finance等发表多篇论文。

研究领域|Research Interests 


Industrial Organization Theory, Finance, Game Theory, Behavioral Finance


Competitive implications of cross-holdings have been extensively analyzed in the literature. Incentives for engaging cross-holdings by firms were not well studied before nor were welfare effects of cross-holdings. Although a similar logic as with the merger paradox holds for Cournot oligopolies with homogeneous product and technology, we show that there are strong incentives for engaging in cross-holdings by oligopolistic firms with asymmetric technologies. Furthermore, it is also possible that total welfare can be enhanced with cross-holdings even though the market becomes more concentrated.