主题|Topic:民营化与公司税均衡关系研究On the Relationship between Privatization and Corporate Taxation Policies
时间|Time:11月2号(周五)|Nov. 2nd (Friday), 4:00 - 6:30PM
地点|Venue:文波楼205教室|Lecture Room 205,WENBO
刘懿老师现为湖南大学经济与贸易三公赌博 副教授,她博士毕业于南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校(Economics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), Carbondale),获得经济学博士学位,研究生毕业于加拿大湖首大学,获得经济学硕士学位。专注于国际经济学、工业组织理论、发展经济学等领域的研究。目前已在China Economic Review,Geographical Research,Economic Geography等期刊发表文章。
研究方向|Research Interests
Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, Development Economics
We adopt partial privatization approach formulated by Matsumura (1998) and investigate how the tax rate affects the optimal degree of privatization in a mixed duopoly. We introduce minimum profit constraint for the private firm. We find that the profit tax rate directly affects the behavior of the partially privatized firm and affects the behavior of the private firm through strategic interaction. We then investigate the relationship between optimal privatization policy and corporate (profit) tax policy. We show that whether or not the constraint is binding, the optimal degree of privatization increases with corporate tax rate. The optimal degree of privatization decreases (increases) with foreign ownership share in the private firm if the constraint is ineffective (effective). This result suggests that minimum profit constraint can be crucial for the properties of optimal privatization policy. We also show that the optimal corporate tax rate increases with the degree of privatization and decreases with foreign ownership share in the private firm.