
学术校庆“名家讲坛”系列学术报告会 之 暨南大学何凌云老师:“Household electricity demand, pollution emission and public health under Increasing Block Tariffs and Time-of-Use pricing policies”(文澜学术系列讲座 总第124期)


主题|TopicHousehold electricity demand, pollution emission and public health under Increasing Block Tariffs and Time-of-Use pricing policies

时间|Time928号(周五)|Sep. 28th (Friday), 400 - 630 PM

地点Venue文波 205教室|Lecture Room 205WENBO


何老师现为暨南大学教授、博士生导师。教育部新世纪优秀人才、北京市社科理论人才百人工程等人才计划, 担任了世界计算经济学会会刊 Computational Economics (SSCI, SCI) 副主编 (2013–2017)编委 (2013–)客座主编 (2018–2019) Fractals (SCI) 共同主编、编委,Emerging Markets Finance & Trade (SSCI) 客座主编 (2018 – 2019)及其他多家国际学术期刊的副主编、学术主编和编委职务; 此外还兼任了加拿大卡尔加里大学 (University of Calgary)澳大利亚麦考瑞大学 (Macquarie University)俄罗斯友谊大学 (RUDN University)北京理工大学能源与环境研究中心、中国农业大学、南京息工程大学等国内外著名大学的兼职/客座教授、兼职博导、特聘外部评审专家,以及中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会理事及能源经济与管理研究分会常务理事 (2010–), 国际能源经济学会中国委员会理事 (International Association for Energy Economics, IAEE) (2009–) 等国内、国际学术职务. 还作为特邀评审专家, 历年来评审了国家级/省部级项目/奖励, 教育部高校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学) 评审专家, 国家自然科学基金委员会同行评议专家, 北京市自然科学基金委员会同行评议专家. 此外, 还担任了包括 Energy Journal, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Energy Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, China Economic Review, Theory and Decision , 《经济研究》,《管理科学学报》等著名期刊在内的 40 余家国内外顶尖或权威学术期刊匿名审稿人.

主要学术兴趣是能源经济和环境政策, 计算经济学, 复杂系统和复杂性科学等领域。围绕上述学术兴趣, 近年来主持了包括国家自然科学基金(4项), 教育部 “新世纪优秀人才支持计划”, 国家博士后基金, 教育部专项等在内的多项国家级和省部级项目. Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Applied Economics, Transport Policy, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Policy, Energy and Environment, Energy Sources Part B: Economics Planning and Policy, China Agricultural Economic Review, China and World Economy, Computational Economics, Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, Fractals,《经济研究》等国内外顶尖或权威学术期刊,以及 Springer 、科学出版社等国内外出版社发表/接受了 100 余篇中英文学术论 (章节). 多篇次学术论文发表后曾先后入选所在 SSCI 检索权威期刊的 “Highest Cited Papers (TOP5)”“Most Cited Papers”, 以及全球社会科学综合领域的顶尖论文 (ESI TOP 0.1%, TOP 1%, General Social Sciences).

研究领域Research Interests 

Energy Economics and Environmental Policy, Computational Economics, Complex Systems and Complex Science

能源经济和环境政策, 计算经济学, 复杂系统和复杂性科学


Electricity can ease the energy poverty in developing countries. However, for China, the proportion of coal power generation is too high, resulting in a contradiction between the power generation structure and energy conservation and emission reduction. How to ease this contradiction? The price connects the production and consumption of electricity and is an important economic means of guiding consumer behavior. Therefore, we take the electricity price policy as the research object, and from the perspective of consumer demand, use demand system model (AIDS, QUAIDS and Rotterdam) to study the consumer’s response under different electricity price policies (IBTs, TOU-IBTs in peak- periods and valley-periods). And formulate three scenarios of price policies to analyze the impact of changes in electricity prices on pollution emissions and public health. The results of elasticity estimation show that TOU-IBTs in peak-periods in urban and rural areas are the most flexible. The results of the scenario analysis show that taking into account the pollution emissions and public health, the gap of electricity tariff among different blocks is not as large as possible, and the coverage percentage in residential electricity consumption is equally important. In addition, the electricity price policy reform must take into account the income levels and electricity consumption of different users, and actively encourage or use policies (such as electricity price policies) to guide consumers to conserve electricity and reduce extravagant electricity consumption. Our framework, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to quantify the communication mechanism among electricity demand, pollution emission and public health.