
文澜学术系列讲座 第110期 西南财经大学经济与管理研究院张吉鹏副教授:“Communication Under Influence - An Experimental Study”


主题|TopicCommunication Under Influence - An Experimental Study

时间|Time518号(周五)|May 18th (Friday), 300 - 600 PM




张吉鹏,现任西南财经大学经济与管理研究院副教授。他于2000年和2005年分别获得复旦大学经济学学士与硕士学位,2011年获得美国匹兹堡大学经济学博士学位。在加入西南财经大学之前,张吉鹏曾担任新加坡南洋理工大学经济学助理教授,他的研究领域包括公共经济学、实证产业组织、行为与实验经济学。研究成果见诸于International Economic Review, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Southern Economic Journal, Pacific Economic Review, Economics Inquiry,《中国社会科学》,《经济研究》,《经济学(季刊)》等国内外知名期刊。


研究领域|Research Interests 


Urban and Public EconomicsEmpirical Industrial OrganizationBehavioral and experimental economics



We report results from controlled laboratory experiments designed to identify a plausible channel through which alcohol drinking facilitates communication. Experimental subjects play communication games in which sellers who are privately informed about their asset's quality communicate with potential buyers after both parties drink beverages with potentially different levels of alcohol contents. Our three primary findings are as follows. First, sellers under the influence of high alcohol contents lie significantly more than sellers who are not under the influence. Second, when buyers are under the influence of higher alcohol contents, they tend to make higher offers on average. Third, the average earnings of the players as well as the transaction rates are higher when sellers are not under the influence. These findings are qualitatively consistent with a model of communication with lying cost and naive receivers. We also find that our main results do not originate from alternative explanations such as other-regarding preferences, higher-order rationality, and risk-attitudes.