曾辰航 教授
美国密苏里大学 经济学博士
武汉大学 经济学硕士
武汉大学 经济学学士、理学学士
2022-现在 教授 中南财经政法大学
2017-现在 副教授 中南财经政法大学
2016-2017 副教授 山东大学
2012-2016 讲师 山东大学
1. Welfare Consequence of Common Ownership in a Vertically Related Market, with Linfeng Chen and Toshihiro Matsumura, Journal of Industrial Economics, 72(2), 996-1004, 2024
2. Incentive and Welfare Implications of Cross-Holdings in Oligopoly, with Hongkun Ma and Chengzhong Qin, Economic Theory, 77, 975-997, 2024
3. Can Cross-holdings Benefit Consumers? with Hao Cheng and Xiaoting Wu, Journal of Economics,141, 245-273, 2024
4. Privatization and Innovation in a Vertical Structure, with Arijit Mukherjee and Xiaoting Wu, China Economic Review, 84, 102139, 2024
5. Downstream Cross-holdings and Upstream R&D: a Comment, with Yake Jin and Arijit Mukherjee, Journal of Industrial Economics, //doi.org/10.1111/joie.12391, 2024
6. Passive Cross-holding, Horizontal Product Differentiation, and Welfare, with Jing Fang and Jingyi Huang, Bulletin of Economic Research, 76(2), 508-528, 2024
7. The Adverse Effect of Competition on Consumers under Foreign Competition, with Chen et al., Japanese Economic Review, 75, 355-379, 2024
8. Cross-ownership on R&D and Welfare in a Mixed Oligopoly: Revisiting with Convex Cost, with Hao Cheng, Xiaoyuan Ding, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2023.2255975, 2023
9. The Effects of Downstream Entry in a Vertical Mixed Oligopoly: the Role of Input Pricing, with Jiaxin Han, Journal of Economics, 140, 37-61, 2023
10. Upstream Privatization and Downstream Licensing, with Yi Liu and L.F.S. Wang, International Journal of Economic Theory, 19(1), 148-165, 2023
11. Upstream Market Structure and Downstream Partial Ownership, with Jie Shuai and Mengyuan Xia, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32(1), 22-47, 2023
12. Social Efficiency of Entry in a Vertical Structure with Third Degree Price Discrimination, with Junlin Chen and Arijit Mukherjee, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 23(1), 223-243, 2023
13. Pre-order Strategies with Demand Uncertainty and Consumer Heterogeneity, with Junshan Lin, Japanese Economic Review, 74(1), 83-115, 2023
14. Social Desirability of Entry in a Bilateral Oligopoly - The Implications of (Non) Sunk Costs, with Arijit Mukherjee, Mathematical Social Sciences, 118, 12-19, 2022
15. Passive Cross-Holding in a Stackelberg Oligopoly, with Hongkun Ma, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 22(2), 431-452, 2022
16. The effects of optimal cross holding in an asymmetric oligopoly, with Hongkun Ma, Bulletin of Economic Research, 74(4), 1053-1066, 2022
17. Collusive Stability of Cross-Holding with Cost Asymmetry, with Jianxia Yang, Theory and Decision, 91(4), 549-566, 2021
18. The Relationship between Privatization and Corporate Taxation Policies, with Yi Liu and Toshihiro Matsumura, Journal of Economics, 133(1), 85-101, 2021
19. Location Choice and Costly Product Differentiation in a Mixed Duopoly, with Hongkun Ma and X.Henry Wang, Annals of Regional Science, 66(1), 137-159, 2021
20. Does Technology Licensing Matter for Privatization, with L.F.S. Wang and Arijit Mukherjee, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 22(5), 1462-1480, 2020
21. Advance Selling of New Products Considering Retailer’s Learning, International Journal of Economic Theory, 16(3), 306-328, 2020
22. Endogenous Horizontal Product Differentiation in a Mixed Duopoly, with Longhua Liu and X.Henry Wang, Review of Industrial Organization, 56(3), 435-462, 2020
23. Ad Valorem versus Per-unit Royalty Licensing in a Cournot Duopoly Model, with Hsu et al., Manchester School, 87(6), pp. 890-901, 2019
24. Indirect Taxation and Consumer Welfare in an Asymmetric Stackelberg Oligopoly, with L.F.S. Wang and Qidi Zhang, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 50, 2019
25. Indirect Taxation and Undesirable Competition, with L.F.S. Wang and Qidi Zhang, Economics Letters, 181, 104-106, 2019
26. Licensing, Entry, and Privatization, with L.F.S. Wang, International Review of Economics and Finance, 62, 230-239, 2019
27. Learning in Advance Selling with Heterogeneous Consumers, with Oksana Loginova and X.Henry Wang, Managerial and Decision Economics, 38, pp. 765-783, 2017
28. A Model of Advance Selling with Consumer Heterogeneity and Limited Capacity, with X.Henry Wang, Journal of Economics, Vol. 117(2), pp. 137-165, 2016
29. Passive Cross Holding as a Strategic Entry Deterrence, with Sanxi Li and Hongkun Ma, Economics Letters, Vol. 134 pp. 37-40, 2015
30. Cournot and Bertrand Competition in a Differentiated Duopoly with Endogenous Technology Adoption, with Hongkun Ma and X. Henry Wang, Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol.16, Issue 1, pp. 231-253, 2015
31. Optimal Advance Selling Strategy under Price Commitment, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 233-258, 2013
32. “交叉持股的竞争效应综述:基于反垄断视角”,《山东大学学报》,2022
1. 指导学生共发表论文11篇,其中包括Journal of Industrial Economics (学校A类) 1篇,China Economic Review (学校A-类)1篇,Journal of Economics 2篇,Economics Letters 1篇;
2. 指导的本硕生多次获得国家级奖学金以及中南财经政法大学研究生科研与实践优秀成果奖一等奖等重要奖项;
3. 指导的本硕生多人次参加中国经济学年会和中国留美经济学年会等国内外重要学术会议并做论文宣讲。
2.教育部人文规划基金项目, 结项,2020-2023
4.教育部人文青年基金项目, 结项,2015-2019
5.中国博士后科学基金特别资助基金, 结项,2015-2017
6.教育部留学回国人员科研启动金, 结项,2015-2017
7.中国博士后科学基金一般资助项目, 结项,2014-2015
8.NET Institute Research Grant, Summer 2012
Economic Theory, Review of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics, Mathematical Social Sciences, OMEGA, Economics Letters, Theory and Decision, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Manchester School, Annals of Regional Science, Economic Analysis and Policy, Applied Economics, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 中国工业经济