
文澜学术系列讲座 第九十八期 康涅狄格大学商三公赌博 刘宏举副教授:“Promotion Spillovers in Pharmaceutical Marketing”


主题 / TopicPromotion Spillovers in Pharmaceutical Marketing

时间 / Time1214号(周四)|Dec 14th (Thursday) 330-500 PM

地点 / Venue文澜103教室

主讲 / Speaker

刘宏举老师本科毕业于北京大学数学科学三公赌博 ,在威斯康星大学获得数学硕士及计算机硕士学位,在芝加哥大学获得工商管理硕士及市场营销学博士。曾任职于甲骨文公司硅谷总部,担任主任工程师。他现在为康涅狄格大学商三公赌博 市场营销学副教授(终身教职),艾克曼学者,博士生项目负责人。主要研究方向为动态结构模型,高科技及互联网市场,医药营销,实证产业组织等。研究成果发表于Journal of Marketing ResearchMarketing ScienceManagement ScienceMIS Quarterly等国际一流学术期刊上。

研究领域/Research Interests 


Dynamic structural models; Technology markets; Digital marketing and analytics; Pharmaceutical marketing; Empirical industrial organization


We examine the spillover effects of promotions when products from different firms are consumed in a bundle. Using data from the HIV/AIDS category, a canonical example of combination therapy, we estimate a hierarchical Bayesian logit model across treatment regimens and show that detailing for one drug can increase demand for other drugs that are often combined with the focal drug. Such spillover effects could lead to free riding by the drugs benefitting from the spillover. We investigate the managerial and policy implications of detailing spillover effects via counterfactual policy simulations based on a dynamic oligopoly game of detailing. For managers, we show how firms can internalize the spillover effects and reduce the incentive for free riding. For policy makers, the implications of our findings relate to detailing restrictions that are often proposed on branded drugs. These restrictions aim to increase social welfare by encouraging the use of generic drugs. However, in combination therapies generic drugs may actually benefit from the detailing of complementary branded products. If detailing was curtailed, this may adversely affect prescriptions of the generic drugs as well which runs counter to policy makers’ objectives of encouraging usage of generic drugs.