
文澜学术系列讲座 第八十九期 对外经济贸易大学张书宇老师:“Causal language intensity in performance commentary and financial analyst behaviour”


主题 / TopicCausal language intensity in performance commentary and financial analyst behavior

时间 / Time98号(周五)|September 8 (Friday), 1400- 1520

地点 / Venue文澜401教室WENLAN


主讲/ Speaker

张书宇博士,对外经济贸易大学助理教授,博士毕业于比利时安特卫普大学,获得应用经济学博士学位;硕士毕业于荷兰蒂尔堡大学,获得金融学硕士学位。在国内外知名期刊,如Accounting and Business ResearchEuropean Management Journal,《经济科学》等发表多篇文章。


研究领域/ Research Interests 



摘要/ Abstract


We use computer-intensive techniques to measure causal reasoning on earnings-related financial outcomes of a large sample of MD&A sections of US firms and examine the intensity of causal language in that context against extent of analyst following and against properties of analysts’ earnings forecasts. We find a positive and significant association between a firm’s causal reasoning intensity and analyst following and analyst earnings forecast accuracy respectively. Correspondingly, analysts’ earnings forecast dispersion is negatively and significantly associated with causal reasoning intensity. These results suggest that causal reasoning intensity provides incremental information about the relation between financial performance outcomes and its causes, thereby reducing financial analysts’ information processing and interpreting costs and lowering overall analyst information uncertainty. These associations are stronger for forward-looking causal reasoning intensity. Additionally, we find that decreases in analyst following are followed by more causal reasoning on performance disclosure. We also find analysts who already cover many firms intend to follow a firm with more causal reasoning. Overall, our various evidences of causal reasoning intensity and properties of analyst behavior is consistent with the proposition that causal reasoning is a generic narrative disclosure quality characteristic, able to provide incremental information to analysts and possibly guide analysts' behaviour.