
文澜学术系列讲座 第八十一期 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学邓小虎:“Short Selling and Politically Motivated Negative Information Hoarding: Evidence from a Controlled Experiment”


主题 / TopicShort Selling and Politically Motivated Negative Information Hoarding: Evidence from a Controlled Experiment

时间 / Time519号(周五)|May 19 (Monday), 15: 10-16: 40

地点 / Venue文波208208WENBO



研究领域/Research Interests 


Corporate Finance, Empirical Asset Pricing, Market Microstructure, Causal Inference


Extant literature documents that managers have an incentive to hoard bad news due to political concerns. In this paper, we test the proposition that short selling has an attenuating effect on the politically motivated suppression of bad news. We examine the stock price behavior of Chinese public firms around two highly visible political events - meetings of the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party and Two Sessions (The National People’s Congress Conference and The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) from 2002-2014, and find that political bad news hoarding has been reduced after short selling becomes available. We establish causality by relying on a difference-in-differences approach based on a controlled experiment of short selling regulation changes in China. We also find this attenuating effect is more pronounced in firms with stronger political connection (higher state ownership and larger size) and higher accounting opacity, which further confirms our finding. This study sheds new light on the real effects of short sellers on political impact on capital market.