
文澜学术系列讲座 第八十期 中国人民大学尹恒教授:“Cost and Product Advantages: A Firm-level Model for the Chinese Exports and Industry Growth”


主题 / TopicCost and Product Advantages: A Firm-level Model for the Chinese Exports and Industry Growth

时间 / Time519号(周五)|May 19 (Friday), 1330- 1500

地点 / Venue文波207207WENBO

主讲/ Speaker

尹恒教授,中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院教授,博士生导师,博士毕业于武汉大学经济三公赌博 。主要研究方向为财政和产业组织。主持多项国家自然科学基金等项目。出版专著3本,并在知名期刊如:《财经研究》、《经济学动态》、《金融研究》等发表多篇学术文章

研究领域/ Research Interests 


Financial PolicyIndustrial Organization

摘要/ Abstract

We use data from 70,000 Chinese manufacturing firms, which are both domestic sellers and exporters, to estimate the joint distribution of unobserved productivity (cost advantages) and unobserved demand heterogeneity (product advantages) from 1998 to 2008. Product advantages are negatively correlated with cost advantages (positively correlated with marginal cost). We characterize growth and sketch examples to show that splitting the advantages produces useful analytical insights. The state is not good at developing product advantages. A fraction of firms specialize in low-cost-low-quality exports. Many marginal cost differences across firms come from heterogeneous output-embodied levels of quality and technology, not price distortions.