主题 / Topic:我国货币政策框架演进与前瞻
时间 / Time:6月12号(周一)|June12 (Monday), 2:30 - 4:00 PM
地点 / Venue:文泉南楼313会议室|Conference Room 313, South Wenquan Building
联合主办/ Co-organized by:三公赌博技巧大全 & 金融三公赌博 |Wenlan School of Business & School of Finance (ZUEL)
主讲 / Speaker
孙国峰老师,中国人民银行金融研究所所长,经济学博士,研究员,清华大学、中国社会科三公赌博 、对外经贸大学、西南财经大学博士生导师,中国金融会计学会副会长,中国金融论坛创始成员兼学术委员会委员,中国金融四十人论坛成员,2003-2004年美国斯坦福大学访问学者。历任中国人民银行货币政策司公开市场操作处副处长、外汇业务处处长、货币政策司副司长,从事创建银行间债券市场、启动公开市场操作、人民币汇率形成机制改革、货币政策工具创新、货币政策框架转型等工作。在美国顶级出版社出版两部英文专著,出版一部中文专著。在《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《经济学季刊》、《金融研究》、《比较》、《国际金融研究》、《财贸经济》等核心学术期刊发表论文70余篇。
Sun Guofeng, the Director General of the Research Institute of People’s Bank of China and Ph.D in Economics in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Dr. Sun is currently a professor at People’s Bank of China, a part-time professor and PhD tutor at the Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, University of International Business and Economics and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and the vice president of Banking Accounting Society of China, founding member and academic committee member of China Financial Forum(CFF), member of China Finance 40 Forum(CF40). During 2003 to 2004, he was invited to do research as a visiting scholar at Stanford University. After his study in the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China in 1996, he worked in the Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Department, where he served as Deputy Director of Open Market Operations, Director of Foreign Exchange Operations, and subsequently Deputy Director General of Monetary Policy Department, primarily engaged in the establishment of the inter-bank bond market, the launching of open market operations, the reform of RMB exchange rate regime, innovating monetary policy tools, and transformation of monetary policy framework. He is the author of 2 English books and 1 Chinese book and has published more than 70 academic papers in academic journals including Social Sciences in China, Economic Research, Financial Research and Journal of Chinese Political Science.
研究领域 / Research Interests
Establishment of the Inter-bank Bond Market, the Launching of Open Market Operations, Reform of RMB Exchange Rate Regime, Innovation Monetary Policy Tools, Transformation of Monetary Policy Framework
摘要 / Abstract