
文澜学术系列讲座 第八十四期 密苏里大学姚睿副教授:“Retirement Related Decisions – Does prior market experience play a role?”


主题/ TopicRetirement Related Decisions – Does prior market experience play a role?

时间 / Time61号(周四)|June 1 (Thursday),3:30-5:00 PM

地点 / Venue文泉楼南, 106实验室|Lab 106, South Wenquan Building

联合主办 / Co-organized by三公赌博技巧大全 & 金融三公赌博 Wenlan Business School & School of Finance (ZUEL)

主讲/ Speaker

姚睿博士,美国密苏里大学个人理财系(Personal financial Planning Department)副教授,分别于20012003年获得美国俄亥俄大学家庭资源管理方向(Family Resource Management)硕士、博士学位。她的论文发表在相关领域知名的学术期刊上,如:Applied Economics LettersJournal of Family and Economic IssuesJournal of Financial Counseling and PlanningInternational Journal of Bank Marketing等。姚教授既是学术期刊Journal of Personal Finance “the Journal of Asian Families的编辑委员会成员,也是其他许多学术期刊、会议的审稿人。

Rui Yao, PhD, CFP®, is an associate professor in the Personal Financial Planning Department at the University of Missouri in Columbia. Dr. Yao received her doctoral degree from The Ohio State University. She received the best paper award from the CFP Board and AARP. Her research is published in leading journals in the field. Dr. Yao serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Personal Finance and the Journal of Asian Families and as a reviewer for a number of academic journals and conferences. She has been committed to working with the China Center for Financial Research in Tsinghua University of China and is a member of the research team on their first national survey of Chinese Consumer Finance and Investor Education.

研究领域/ Research Interests 


Financial risk tolerance, Retirement preparation, Saving behavior and motives, Debt management, and Household consumption patterns

摘要/ Abstract

Risk tolerance, elective retirement decisions and defined contribution deferrals are affected by market performance. Individuals who retire at a market peak have an increased risk of shortening the longevity of their retirement income. “Buy low and sell high” is an incredibly simple concept; unfortunately, retirement account deferral behavior deviates from this principle as individuals change their risk tolerance according to market news and events. Investors go through both a rational and an emotional decision-making processes. Sometimes, emotions take a dominating position. In today’s world, pre-retirees cannot afford to make investment mistakes which impede their ability to accumulate wealth and jeopardizes the achievement of important financial goals. Empirical results show that investors are more likely to allocate 100% of their defined contribution plan assets to stocks in an up market. Moreover, overconfidence and loss-aversion lead to a higher likelihood of moving to a cash position in a down market. Researchers, employers, financial educators and financial practitioners should help the current workforce better understand the behavioral challenges they face and make better decisions for retirement.