
文澜学术系列讲座 第七十八期 美联储银行高级经济学家聂军:“U.S. Economic Outlook”


主题 / TopicU.S. Economic Outlook

时间 / Time58号(周一)|May 8 (Monday), 7:00-8:30 PM

地点 / Venue文泉313|WENQUAN 313

主讲 / Speaker

聂军博士,现任职于美联储堪萨斯银行研究部高级经济学,分别于2009年、2007年获得纽约大学经济学硕士、博士学位,2001年获得武汉大学经济学与数学双学士学位。当前主要研究兴趣为:劳动力市场政策、不确定性条件下的最优决策模型和理性疏忽,宏观预测,货币政策,中国经济。研究成果发表在国际一流学术期刊Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, European Economic Review等。

Jun Nie is a Senior Economist in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Mr. Nie received his M.A. and Ph.D. from New York University. His current research interests include labor market policies, optimal decisions under model uncertainty and rational inattention, macro forecasting, monetary policy, and the Chinese economy.His academic papers are published in Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, European Economic Review, etc.

研究领域 / Research Interests 


Macroeconomics; Labor Economics; International Economics

摘要 / Abstract
