
文澜学术系列讲座 第七十七期 实践大学张存炳教授:“Environmental governance and political turnover: The case of municipal party secretary in China”


主题 / TopicEnvironmental governance and political turnover: The case of municipal party secretary in China

时间 / Time55号(周五)|May 5 (Friday), 200 - 300 PM

地点 / Venue文波207207WENBO

主讲 / Speaker

张存炳老师现为台湾实践大学行销管理系专任教授,目前主要研究专长为能源经济、计量经济、产业经济、公共经济与政治经济。张教授迄今共发表SSCI源国际期刊学术论文近60餘篇,其中担任第一作者与通讯作者约30篇。有数篇发表在政经类顶级期刊如Journal of Applied Economics, Energy Economics, European Journal of Political Economy ,Economics Letters等,亦曾担任European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Development Economics, Public Choice等权威期刊杂志审稿人。

研究领域 / Research Interests 


Energy economy, Econometrics, Industrial Economy, Public Economics and Political Economics

摘要 / Abstract

Political incentive is one of the most efficient methods to promote local officials to push for both economic growth and environmental progress in the context of China. However, the existing literature on the political incentive of promotion mainly focuses on the relationship between economic performance and political turnover, yet a growing strand of studies has explored whether environmental performance also accounts for the promotion of local officials. Since previous scholars have never investigated the relationships between political turnover and environmental governance at the municipal level, in this work we proxy pollution by SO2, COD, SOOT, and NHx and examine whether environmental performance affects the political turnover of the municipal party secretary by exploiting a panel conditional logit with a fixed-effect model for the period 2002-2013. The results indicate that environmental performance does not significantly impact the turnover of municipal party secretaries, offering evidence that an increase of SO2 is associated with the likelihood of promotion under the panel multinomial logit approach. However, empirical results present that a higher GDP growth rate plays the determinant factor affecting the promotion of China’s municipal party secretaries. Specific policy recommendations are proposed in accordance with our empirical findings.