
文澜学术系列讲座 第七十五期 英国杜伦大学颜诚:“Uncovered Equity “Disparity” in Emerging Markets”


主题 / TopicUncovered Equity “Disparity” in Emerging Markets

时间 / Time421号(周五)|April 21 (Friday), 1425 - 1515

地点 / Venue文波207207WENBO

主讲 / Speaker

颜诚博士,杜伦大学助理教授,分别于20122015年获英国卡斯商三公赌博 (Cass Business School)金融学硕士, 2013年获得厦门大学经济和金融博士,2008年获得北京师范大学经济学士。主要研究国际金融/经济,金融计量,宏观金融等方向。在Journal of International Money and Finance等多家国际期刊上发表文章。

研究领域 / Research Interests 


International Finance/Economics, Financial Econometrics, and Macro-Finance

摘要 / Abstract

The portfolio-rebalancing theory of Hau and Rey (2006) yields uncovered equity parity (UEP) as a prediction that the local-currency equity return appreciation is offset by currency depreciation. Contrary to UEP, estimations of vector autoregressive models for eight Asian emerging markets using daily data reveals a positive nexus between equity returns and currency returns. The extent of the uncovered equity “disparity” is time-varying and asymmetric as it exacerbates in crisis. We find evidence that the UEP failure is due to investors’ return chasing. Robustness checks suggest that this explanation is not an artifact of changing global volatility conditions or a flight-to-quality phenomenon.