
文澜学术系列讲座 第六十八期 Tony Wai:"Demand and Supply: What is in (Y)our future ? From Economic to Marketing OR Mr. Right"


主题/ TopicDemand and Supply: What is in (Y)our future ? From Economic to Marketing OR Mr. Right

时间 / Time324号(周五)|March 24 (Friday), 730 - 900 PM

地点 / Venue文澜109Room 109, WENLAN

主讲 /  Speaker

Tony.Wai在市场研究行业久负盛名,在北美和亚洲地区有超过二十年的市场营销经验,同时在市场研究公司有着超过十五年的定性与定量研究经验,曾在多家跨国市场研究公司担任高级管理职务,在加盟HCR之前为Ipsos UU大中华区总裁,在Ipsos任职期间率领一支过百人的定性团队,创造了辉煌的业绩和优秀的业界口碑。他擅长对项目使用高级定量、数据和计量的研究方法来分析商业目标。

研究领域  /  Research Interests 


His research areas widely cover Quantitative, Qualitative and Social Media usage and attitudes (U&A), lifestyles and trend research, concept testing, branding, product/brand image, product development, advertising research, brand tracking , market forecasting and segmentation studies.

摘要/  Abstract

Economic gives you the calculation of “DEMAND” and SUPPLY; Marketing gives you the know how to satisfy the consumer NEED of their “DEMANDs”, Marketing Research. Right gives you the understanding of the consumers to buy THE “DEMAND” and motivate them to keep buying from your SUPPLY!

Marketing Research is not simply a questionnaire and # on the paper, and there are a lot more for us to decode that complication of human mind, via different tools to crack that Insight, with that Qsight you can have that killing concept – sell!