
文澜学术系列讲座 第六十五期 东北财经大学田贤亮:“Estimating sectoral product quality under quality heterogeneity”


主题/ TopicEstimating sectoral product quality under qualityheterogeneity

时间 / Time3月10号(周五)|March10 (Friday), 14:00 -15:30

地点 / Venue文波207|Room207,WENBO


主讲  /  Speaker

田贤亮,2014年获美国路易斯安娜经济学博士,东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心副教授。经济硕士毕业于于武汉大学。博士期间访学耶鲁大学,并为德国中央银行访问研究员。研究领域为产业组织,应用微观以及会计学(审计)等。田贤亮教授的研究文章发表于《EnergyPolicy》,《MathematicalSocial Science》,《Reviewof World Economics》,《Global Environmental Change》,《TheJournal of International Trade and Economic Development》,《MathematicalSocial Science》等国际学术期刊。


研究领域 /  Research Interests 


International Trade,Environmental Economics, Development Economics


摘要 /  Abstract

Thispaper estimates product quality at the sectoral level using data from a panelof twelve manufacturing sectors in nineteen OECD countries during the years1995–2006. The author first derives a gravity model from a firm-heterogeneitymodel of trade, then measures product quality as the residual of the gravitymodel. In estimating the gravity model, the author employs the two-stepprocedure of Helpman et al. (2008) to correct for biases caused by selection intrade and firm heterogeneity. When aggregated into the country level, the usedoverall quality metrics do not systematically differ from Hallak and Schott’s(2011). In line with existing literature, sectoral quality estimates are foundpositively correlated with sectoral unit prices as well as countries’ incomeper capita. And the quality gap between rich and poor countries is morepronounced in capital- and skill-intensive sectors. In addition, the autorfinds beta- and sigma-convergence in sectoral product quality across countries.