
文澜学术系列讲座 第六十四期 武汉大学朱爱勇:“Joint audit, audit market structure, and consumer surplus”


主题 / TopicJoint audit, audit market structure, and consumer surplus

时间 / Time3月3号(周五)|March3 (Friday), 14:00 -15:30

地点 / Venue文波207|Room 207,WENBO


主讲  /  Speaker

朱爱勇,2014年获德国曼海姆大学经济学博士,现任武汉大学经济与管理三公赌博 助理教授。本科硕士分别就读于大连海事大学与复旦大学。博士期间访学耶鲁大学,并为德国中央银行访问研究员。研究领域为产业组织,应用微观以及会计学(审计)等。朱爱勇博士的研究文章发表于《TheAnnals of Regional Science》,《Urban Studies》以及《Chinaand World Economy》等国际学术期刊。当前研究项目包括审计市场结构相关问题,本次报告文章为会计学顶级期刊《Reviewof Acounting Studies》修改再投状态(R & R)。


研究领域 /  Research Interests 


Empirical IndustrialOrganization, Applied Microeconomics and Auditing


摘要 /  Abstract

We use a structural applicationof the discrete choice model to investigate how the introduction of a jointaudit policy would affect audit market structure and consumer surplus. Weperform this policy evaluation by identifying demand fundamentals in a jointaudit regime and applying them to a single audit regime. We find that a jointaudit requirement has the potential to change the audit market structuresubstantially but that the effects are sensitive to the specific policy design.For example, small audit firms gain market share in a joint audit regime butonly if an equal sharing of the workload between the two joint auditors is notrequired.

Our counterfactual analysisreveals that the introduction of a joint audit regime would be associated witha substantial loss of consumer surplus. The loss results from restrictingclients from giving all of the audit work to their most preferred audit firm,but it is partly offset by gains in consumer surplus deriving from theopportunity to choose the best combination of auditor pairs.