
文澜学术系列讲座 第五十一期 威斯康辛大学Yee Ching Wong:“Is the Glass Half Empty or Full?”


主题TopicIs the Glass Half Empty or Full? Understanding Individual Differences inPerceived Economic Mobility

时间Time11月16号(周三)November16, 2016 (Wednesday), 14:00–16:00 

地点Venue文泉5楼会议室Meeting Room, Fifth Floor,WENQUAN


主讲人 / Speaker


NancyWong,Kohls Chair in Retail Innovation,professor from School of Human Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Heracademic papers are published in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal ofBusiness Research, Journal of Research for Consumers, Journal of Academy ofBusiness and Economics, and International Journal of Research in Marketing, etc.


研究领域  / Research Interests


Culture,materialism and emotion, Cross-cultural research methods and Consumer decisionmaking and public policy


摘要 / Abstract:


This researchconceptualizes and develops the Perceived Economic Mobility Scale (PEMS), whichmeasures the degree to which individuals perceive a society as mobile in theway that it allows people to move up the economic ladder in relative standing.A series of 12 studies provided evidence that PEMS possesses a replicableunidimensional factor structure, reasonable internal consistency, nomologicaland discriminant validity, known-group validity, and predictive validity.Following that, two empirical studies revealed that PEMS predicts financialbehaviors such that people take more financial risks when they perceive societyas economically mobile.


主办 / OrganizedBy:



工商管理三公赌博 营销管理系

Wenlan School of Business;

Department of Trade and Marketing, Management School ofBusiness Administration