
文澜学术系列讲座 第五十二期 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院 王学新


主题TopicA Simple Portmanteau Test with Improved FiniteSample Properties

时间Time11月18号(周五)|November18, 2016 (Friday), 14:00–15:35



主讲 / Speaker

王学新博士,厦门大学王亚南经济研究院助理教授,2012年7月获西班牙马德里卡洛斯三世大学经济系博士学位,主要从事计量经济学、时间序列分析方面的研究。已发表文章在Journal of Time Series Analysis等国际知名学术期刊上。

Dr.Xuexin Wang, the Assistant Professor from Wang Yanan Institute for Studies inEconomics (WISE), Xiamen University, was graduated from Carlos Ⅲ University (Spain) , in2012. His academic papers are published in Journalof Time Series Analysis, etc.


研究领域 / Research Interests 


Econometrics,TimeSeries Analysis


摘要 / Abstract: 

In this paper, we propose a simple Portmanteau test withbetter finite sample properties for general time series models with weakinnovations. This test has a quadratic form and follows a chi squareddistribution asymptotically. Its simplicity comes from an innovative transformof the sample autocorrelations of residuals, which allows for the weakinnovations and parameters estimation effect. Furthermore, a simplemodification is proposed to eliminate an important finite sample bias of the newtransform, improving the finite sample properties of the new Portmanteau test. Acomprehensive Monte Carlo simulation experiment demonstrates that the new Portmanteautest enjoys better size and power balance than other competing tests. Anapplication to the Standard & Poor 500 returns illustrates the merits ofour testing procedure.