
文澜学术系列讲座 第四十八期 中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院贾越珵


主题TopicWhat Does Skewness of Firm Fundamentals Tell Us About Firm Growth, Profitability, andStock Returns

时间Time10月21号(周五)|October21, 2016 (Friday), 14:00–15:35 

地点Venue文波207|Room 207, WENBO










Research Area:


Empirical Asset Pricing, Investment-Based Asset Pricing, Executive Compensation


摘要 Abstract:


This paper investigateswhether the skewness of firm fundamentals is informative about future firm performance and stock returns. We present two distinct preference-free theoretical models of firmfundamentals, both of which imply a positive relation between the skewness of firm fundamentals and expected stock return. Consistent with this implication,we show empirically that the skewness measures of firm fundamentals positively predicts cross-sectional stock returns. Furthersupporting both models, we find that higher fundamental skewness implies not only higher future firm growth option but also higher futurefirm profitability. Our results cannot be explained by existing riskfactors and return predictors including the levels of firm fundamentals and the skewness of stock returns.