
文澜学术系列讲座 第四十五期


主题TopicCivic Returns to Education: Voter Turnout in Ireland

时间Time9月18号(周日)|September 18, 2016 (Sunday),14:00–15:35 

地点Venue文波207|Room 207, WENBO


马媛媛,2013年获都柏林大学经济学博士学位,目前为都柏林三一三公赌博 爱尔兰老龄化纵向分析研究项目(TILDA)研究员,武汉大学社会保障研究中心研究员,已在国际知名学术期刊上发表5篇学术论文,如:Asian Economic Papers, AppliedEconomics, East Asian Economic Review 等。

Dr. Yuanyuan Ma graduated from University College Dublin in 2013.Currently, she is a research fellow at the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing(TILDA, Trinity College Dublin). About five of her papers have published ininternational journals such as Asian Economic Papers, Applied Economics, EastAsian Economic Review, etc.






Microeconomic TheoryDecisionTheoryGame TheoryBehavioralEconomics



Educationis one of the most often cited explanations for voter turnout. However, the internationalevidence that estimates the causal effect of education on voter turnout is mixed.There is no evidence for such a causal effect in Ireland. Using data from the Irish LongitudinalStudy on Ageing (TILDA), and employing the instrumental variable (IV) profit model, we investigatewhether education has a causaleffecton individuals' political participation in their later lives. We find that individuals with moreeducation are more likely to vote in the general election. The effects are larger for individuals whoseparents have only primary education or below, and for individuals growing upin a poor family. The findings provide motivations for increasingtargeted public supports in education for students coming from a disadvantaged family.