
文澜学术系列讲座 第四十一期


主题TopicWhen the Wind Blows: Spatial Spillover Effects of Urban AirPollution

时间Time617号(周五) June 17th (Friday), 10:10–11:30 am

地点Venue文波208Room 208, WENBO


叶菁菁,西南财经大学经济与管理研究院副教授、博士生导师。2013年获美国南卫理公会经济学博士。论文即将发表于Emerging Markets Finance Chinese Economy, 等国际期刊上

研究领域: 劳动经济学,环境经济学,应用计量经济学

Research Area: 

Labour Economics, Environmental Economics,Applied Econometrics


Due the worsening air quality in China, numerous public policies has been implementedto control air pollution. However, those policies will not be effective if regionalair pollution are highly interdependent. Using a unique city-level panel on dailyair pollution index (API) and fine-scale meteorological data from 2009 to 2013,we address the existence and the magnitude of spatial spillover effects ofurban air pollution in China. Our spatial analysis results indicate that (i):there exist spatial spillover effects of air pollution in China: a city’saverage API is expected to increase by 0.40-0.51 if the average API insurrounding cities increases by one unit; (ii) an increase in gasoline pricecan effectively improve air quality; (iii) high levels of precipitation andstrong winds can mitigate air pollution, while the temperature effects on airquality vary by time of day; and (iv) without controlling for spatial spilloversof air pollution across regions, coefficient estimates of explanatory variableswill be biased. Our findings suggest that pollution control policies must be coordinatedbetween cities and provinces to effectively abate urban air pollution.