
文澜学术系列讲座 第四十期


主题Topic:Return Reversals, Idiosyncratic Risk, andExpected Returns

时间Time6月8号(周三)| June 8th (Wednesday), 7:30–9:00 pm

地点Venue文泉楼南106|Room106, WENQUAN


刘千秋老师,美国夏威夷大学 Shidler 商三公赌博 金融学教授。2003年获美国西北大学凯洛格商三公赌博 金融学博士。多篇文章发表于:Journal of Bankingand Finance (SSCI), Management Science (SSCI), Journal of International Money and Finance (SSCI), Journal of Applied Econometrics (SSCI) 等国际权威学术期刊上。

研究领域: 实证资产定价、金融计量经济学、市场微观结构、国际金融和个人财务规划

ResearchArea: Empirical Asset Pricing, Financial Econometrics, MarketMicrostructure, International Finance, and Personal Financial Planning


The empirical evidence on the cross-sectional relation betweenidiosyncratic risk and expected stock returns is mixed. We demonstrate that theomission of the previous month’s stock returns can lead to a negatively biasedestimate of the relation. The magnitude of the omitted variable bias depends onthe approach to estimating the conditional idiosyncratic volatility. Although anegative relation exists when the estimate is based on daily returns, itdisappears after return reversals are controlled for. Return reversals canexplain both the negative relation between value-weighted portfolio returns andidiosyncratic volatility and the insignificant relation between equal-weightedportfolio returns and idiosyncratic volatility. In contrast, there is a significantlypositive relation between the conditional idiosyncratic volatility estimatedfrom monthly data and expected returns. This relation remains robust aftercontrolling for return reversals.