主题 Topic:Identification and the Reflection Problem inSpatial Econometrics: An Application using U.S. Counties
时间Time:6月3号(周五)| June 3rd (Friday), 09:00 – 10:00 am
地点Venue:文波楼208室|Room 208 , WENBO
主讲人Speaker:谭颖,三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析 讲师,2015年获得美国OklahomaState University 经济学博士学位。已发表数篇论文在:EconomicDevelopment Quarterly(SSCI), Regional Studies (SSCI) Journal of Economy andGeography(SSCI)等英文国际权威学术期刊上。
研究领域: 区域经济学 应用计量经济学
Research Area: Regional Economics, Applied Econometrics
This research is the first empiricalapplication of a new G2SLS approach proposed by Lee (2007) and developed byBramoullé et al. (2009) to investigate spillover effects of counties’employment growth, initial fiscal policy variables and initial employmentdensity for the U.S. Unlike the conventional Spatial-Durbin IV model, accordingto the results of the G2SLS approach, no evidence of spillover effects ofemployment growth is found; positive spillover effects on employment growth isfound for initial safety expenditures in 2000-2007 and 2000-2010, and forinitial high-tech employment share in 2000-2010. Initial log of countyemployment density is found to lower its own employment growth rate. The MonteCarlo simulation results imply that, based on the group interaction structurein the sample, the G2SLS approach provides credible identification of the modelparameters.