主题Topic:Strategic Demand Information Dissemination
时间Time:4月25号(周一)|April 25th(Monday), 2:00 – 3:30 pm
地点Venue:文澜楼108会议室|Conference Room 108 , WENLAN
研究领域: 供应链信息管理,复杂物流系统的分析设计,运作与环保,消费者搜索,企业与顾客行为分析
Speaker: Li Jiang obtained his PhD in Operationsand Management Science from the Ross School of Business at the University ofMichigan. In January 2007, he joined the Department of Logistics and MaritimeStudies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His main research interestsare supply chain modeling and analysis with the focus on procurement, capacitymanagement, information system, and behavioral operations. He has published in ManagementScience, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production andOperations Management, and Operations Research Letters. He also reviewsmanuscripts and serves as guest associate editors for these journals.
Research Area: Supply chain information management,Complex assembly system analysis, Consumer search, Environmental operations,Behavioral operations
We investigate demand information flow in a systemwhere a supplier sells to two retailers that serve a market with uncertaindemand. Each retailer has exclusive access to a signal that can be utilized toupdate demand forecast. The retailers can strategically disclose signals toeach other (horizontal information sharing), and the supplier can select aprocedure to acquire their signals (vertical information acquisition). Thestatus of horizontal (vertical, resp.) information flow enhances as moreretailers horizontally (vertically, resp.) disclose signals. We examine theincentives for the retailers to share signals, and for the supplier to solicitsignals from the retailers, together with the procedure it should follow. Onthe basis of the outcomes thus obtained, we demonstrate vertical informationacquisition and horizontal information sharing are strategic complements.System-wide information transparency, under which the demand signals at theretailers are visible throughout the entire supply chain, is attainable.Moreover, we show that incentive-driven demand information flow can beegalitarian to benefit each and every individual party.