
文澜学术系列讲座 第十七期


主题 Topic:Quality Innovation, Imitation, and Intellectual Property Rights Protection (质量创新,模仿和知识产权保护)



主讲人Speaker:李杰,暨南大学产业经济研究院教授,博士生导师。在Review of Development Economics,The World Economy, Southern Economic Journal, China Economic Review, The Manchester School, 经济研究,世界经济,中国工业经济等杂志发表数十篇论文。


Jie Li, Professor of Institute of Industrial Economics, doctorial supervisor,Jinan University. Dozens of his papers were published in Journals such as Review of Development Economics,The World Economy, Southern Economic Journal, China Economic Review, The Manchester School, Economic Research Journal,The Journal of World Economy,China Industrial Economics, etc.

Main Research area: Industrial Organization theory, International Trade, and China Economics.


We study the incentive that a government in the South has to protect the intellectual property rights (IPR) of a Northern firm’s innovation for quality improvement. We demonstrate that when firms compete in the South, the South’s optimal choice is either to harmonizing IPR protection with that in the North, or completely no protection, irrespective of different protection levels being available. In particular, the South willingly chooses harmonization when its consumers’ valuation over quality is sufficiently high. We also show that the interests of the North and the South concerning harmonization can converge.