主题Topic:Banking Reforms and Growth: Theory and Evidence (银行改革与经济发展:理论与证据)
主讲人Speaker:Boubacar Diallo,副教授,三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析
主持人Chair:帅杰,副教授,三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析
时间Time:2015年11月13日(周五)2:00 -3:00 pm
地点Venue:南湖校区 文波楼204
Boubacar Diallo:魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校经济学博士,三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析 副教授,曾任世界银行研究员。
Boubacar Diallo:Associate Professor, Wenlan School of Business, Zhoongnan University of Economics and Law. Professor Diallo got his Masters in Applied Mathematics at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis in 2008 and Masters in Engineering in Mathematics, Statistics and Finance from the University Paris IX-Dauphine in 2009, and PhD degree in Economics at Université du Québec à Montréal in 2014. He has served in World Bank as Research Fellow during the period 2014-2015, position based in Washington D.C.
Research Interests: Growth Theory, Finance and Banking sector, Economic Development and Panel Data Analysis.
I theoretically and empirically investigate the effects of banking reforms on growth using a Schumpeterian growth model and monopolistic competition between differentiated products of the banking system. I show that banking reforms exert a positive effect on economic growth. To validate the theoretical prediction I use panel and cross-country estimates over the period 1980-2010 for 90 countries.