
文澜学术系列讲座 第十二期


主题Topic:Competitive and Welfare Implications of Cross-Holdings in Oligopoly (寡头市场上交叉持股对竞争和福利影响)


主持人Chair:帅杰,副教授,三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析

时间Time:2015年11月6日(周五)3:30 pm-5:00 pm

地点Venue:南湖校区 文波楼204


曾辰航:山东大学博弈论与经济行为研究中心助理教授,2007年获武汉大学经济学硕士学位,2012年获美国密苏里大学(University of Missouri-Columbia)经济学博士学位;在国际知名学术期刊发表多篇论文,如:Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Annals of Economics and Finance, Pacific Economic Review.


Chenhang Zeng:Assistant Professor, Research Center for Games and Economic Behavior

Shandong University, Professor Zeng obtained his Master’s degree in Economics from Wuhan University in 2007 and PhD degree in Economics from University of Missouri-Columbia in 2012. His papers have been published in leading internationally journals such as Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Annals of Economics & Finance and Pacific Economic Review.

Research Interests: Industrial Organization, Microeconomic Theory


Cross-holding refers to a situation where a firm acquires passive ownership in another firm that entitles the acquiring firm a share in the acquired firm's profits only. We characterize conditions under which a Courot oligopolistic firm has incentives to engage cross-holdings in rival firms if none of the other firms does so. We also establish conditions with which total welfare increases as the acquiring firm raises cross-holdings in the acquired firms. These results extend those of Farrel and Shapiro (1990) for the case with one acquiring and one acquired firms.