台湾高雄大学经济管理三公赌博 管理学硕士
1. 三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析 本科课程:
2. 三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析 研究生课程:经济发展与预测
1. 湖北省级一流本科课程-线下一流课程-《发展经济学》(2022)(鄂教高函〔2022〕16号)
2. 《发展经济学》获选中南财经政法大学课程思政榜样课程(2021)
3. 中南财经政法大学党的二十大精神理论研究阐释征文二等奖(2023)
4. 中南财经政法大学第一届思政课讲课比赛三等奖(2021)
5. 中南财经政法大学第九届青年教师讲课竞赛优秀奖(2019)
6. 中南财经政法大学第八届青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖(2017)
7. 三公赌博技巧大全-稳赢策略 & 玩法规则解析 青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖(2017,2019)
1. Antidumping and Strategic Trade Policy Game in Vertically Related Markets, with Y. Kuang, Pacific Economic Review, 2023, 28(1), 74--96. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0106.12413. (SSCI)
2. Political Competition, Optimal Upstream Managerial Delegation for an SOE, and Optimal Downstream Industrial Policy, with Winston W. Chang and F.-Y. Chen, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2023, 32(3), 391--409. DOI: 10.1080/09638199.2022.2113116.(SSCI)
3. Product Differentiation, Privatization Commitment and Profitability Comparisons, with Y. Zou, Journal of Economics, 2022, 136(1), 1--24. DOI: 10.1007/s00712-021-00760-w. (SSCI)
4. Multi-tier Pricing in Uniform and Nonuniform Tax/subsidy Systems, with Winston W. Chang, International Journal of Economic Theory, 2022, 18(4), 486--508. DOI: 10.1111/ijet.12328. (SSCI)
5. Formation of Symmetric Free-Trade Blocs, Optimal Tariff Structure, and World Welfare, with Winston W. Chang and Tetsuya Saito, Journal of Asian Economics, 2021, 77, 101373. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1016/j.asieco.2021.101373
6. Technology Licensing or Cost-reducing Outsourcing? Game Theoretical Analysis on Consumers’ Home Bias Effects and Firms’ Optimal Strategies, with Z. Huang, Bulletin of Economic Research, 2020, 72(4), 404--416. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1111/boer.12228
7. Quality Differentiation and Product Innovation Licensing, with Y. Zou, Economic Modelling, 2020, 87, 372--382. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2019.08.010
8. Industrial Heterogeneity and International Product Cycles, with Y. Zou, Journal of Economics, 2018, 125, 1--25. (SSCI)
9. A Pedagogical Note on Multi-tier Pricing Scheme, with Winston W. Chang, The American Economist, 2018, 63(2) 228–244. (EconLit)
10. Privatization and Efficiency: A Mixed Oligopoly Approach, Journal of Economics, 2017, 120, 251--268. (single author) (SSCI)
11. The Theory of Quantity Discounts and Optimal Pricing, with Winston W. Chang, International Journal of Economic Theory, 2017, 13, 185--195. (SSCI)
12. International Joint Venture and Welfare-Improving Tariff-Tax Reforms, with Yuxiang Zou, International Review of Economics and Finance, 2016, 46, 27--35. (SSCI)
13. Tridiagonal Matrices with Dominant Diagonals and Applications, with Winston W. Chang, Operations Research Letters, 2016, 44(2), 231--233. (SCI)
14. Mixed Oligopoly, Optimal Privatization, and Foreign Penetration, with L.F.S. Wang, Economic Modelling, 2011, 28(4), 1465--1470. (SSCI)
15. Privatization, Efficiency Gap, and Subsidization with Excess Taxation Burden, with L.F.S. Wang, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2011, 52(1), 55--68. (SSCI)
16. Do Cost Efficiency Gap and Foreign Competitors Matter Concerning Optimal Privatization Policy at Free Entry Market? with L.F.S. Wang, Journal of Economics, 2010, 100(1), 33--49. (SSCI)
17. International Joint Venture, Commitment and Host-country Policy in an Integrated Market, with Y. Ma, International Review of Economics, 2010, 57(4), 411--421.
18. Trade Liberalization and Transboundary Pollution in an International Mixed Duopoly, with L.F.S. Wang, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2010, 12(4), 187--200.
19. Trade Liberalization and Environmental Tax in Differentiated Oligopoly with Consumption Externalities, with L.F.S. Wang, Y.C. Wang, Economics Bulletin, 2007, 17(8), 1--9.
1. Participation Games and International Environmental Agreements among Asymmetric Nations (with Xinyue Wang)
2. Cooperation, agglomeration and heterogeneity of firms (with Fengning Huan)
3. Emission mitigation and comparative carbon taxation (with Xinyuan Cui, Yuxiang Zou)
4. Quality heterogeneity and international intellectual property right protection: Implications of TRIPS (with Ziyang Chen, Qianhao Cui, Yuxiang Zou)
5. Environmental Regulation, Endowment Characteristics and Income Inequality (with Mengling Wang)
6. 中国式现代化视角下绿色创新专利产业化理论研究(合作者:杨茗杰)
2023:Western Economic Association International 98th Annual Conference
2022:Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International 97th Annual Conference
2021: Asian Meeting of Econometric Society, Western Economic Association International 96th Annual Conference, Canadian Economic Association Conference, Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference
担任Journal of Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Public Economics, Japanese Economic Review, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Journal of Asian Economics, Managerial and Decision Economics, Economic Modelling, Southern Economic Journal, The Energy Journal, Transport Policy, Finance Research Letters, The Manchester School国际知名学术期刊审稿人。