教授 博导
Email:[email protected]
25. “Endogenous Price Discrimination with Asymmetric Firms ”, with Wenbo Lu, China Economic Review, 84, 102116 (2024)
24. “Informational Correlation and Selective Disclosure”, with Qiang Gong and Huanxing Yang, Economic Theory, 76, 645-683 (2023)
23. “Upstream Market Structure and Downstream Cross Holding”, with Mengyuan Xia and Chenhang Zeng, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32(1), 22-47 (2023)
22. “Personalized Pricing with A Price Sensitive Demand”, with Rosa-Branca Esteves, Economics Letters, 213, (2022)
21. “Input Price Discrimination and Horizontal Shareholding”, with Youping Li, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 61, 48-66 (2022)
20. “Dominant Firm and Competitive Bundling in Oligopoly” with Huanxing Yang and Lan Zhang, Games and Economic Behavior, 132, 421-447 (2022)
19.“Behavior Based Price Discrimination with Nonuniform Distribution of Consumer Preferences”with Rosa-Branca Esteves and Qihong Liu, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 31, 324-355 (2022)
18. "Uniform Pricing as a Barrier to Entry'', with Hong Feng and Youping Li, Journal of Industrial Economics, 71(1), 176-191(2023)
17. “Skippable Ads: Interactive Advertising on Digital Media Platforms”, with Anthony Dukes and Qihong Liu, Marketing Science, 41 (3), 528-547 (2022)
16. “Multi-Dimensional Product Differentiation”, with Qihong Liu, Frontiers of Economics in China, 14, 497-535 (2019)
15. “Endogenous Third-Degree Price Discrimination in Hotelling Model with Elastic Demand”, with Tong Zhang, Yixue Huo and Xin Zhang, Journal of Economics, 127, 125-145 (2019)
14. "Monopolistic Competition, Price Discrimination and Welfare" with Youping Li, Economics Letters, 174, 114-117 (2019)
13. “Licensing Essential Patents: The Non-Discriminatory Commitment and Hold-Up” With Youping Li, Journal of Industrial Economics, 67, 37-55 (2019)
12. “A Welfare Analysis of Location Space Constraints with Vertically Separated Sellers” with Youping Li, Review of Industrial Organization, 52(1), 161-177 (2018)
11. “Privatizing Multi-subsidiary Public Firm in Location Model” with Jingliang Chen, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 19 (2017)
10. “Vertical Separation with Location-Price Competition” with Youping Li, Journal of Economics, 121,255-266 (2017)
9. “Mixed Duopoly with Foreign Firms and Subcontracting” with Yuanzhen Lyu, International Review of Economics and Finance, 49, 58-68 (2017)
8. “A Comment on Mixed Oligopoly Spatial Model: The Non-uniform Consumer Distribution”, Economic TheoryBulletin, 5, 57-63 (2017)
7. “Customer Poaching and Coupon Trading” with Georgia Kosmopoulou and Qihong Liu, Journal of Economics, 118,219-238 (2016)
6. “Price discrimination with Varying Qualities of Information” with Qihong Liu, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 16, 1093-1121 (2016)
5. “Mixed Duopoly with a Partial-delegated-public Firm”, Manchester School, 85, 339-356 (2017)
4. “Mixed Duopoly with Subcontracting”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 37, 37-49 (2016)
3. “Reverse Pricing and Revenue Sharing in a Vertical Market” with Qihong Liu, Managerial and Decision Economics, 36, 299-313 (2015)
2. “Multi-dimensional Price Discrimination” with Qihong Liu, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31, 417-428 (2013)
1. “Optimal Monetary Policy Rules for Averting Productivity Induced Jobless Recoveries” with David Hudgins, Review of Applied Economics, 2, 159-167 (2006)
国家自然科学基金面上项目 2022-2025
国家自然科学基金青年项目 2017-2019 #71603283
Information Economics and Policy 副主编
Journal of Media Economics 编委
中国信息经济学会 常务理事、基础理论专委会副主任
华东理工大学 奥利弗·哈特合同与治理研究中心 兼职研究员
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics Economic Inquiry Information Economics and Policy Journal of Economics Journal of Media Economics Managerial and Decision Economics Manchester School OMEGA Production and Operations Management Review of Industrial Organization Scandinavian Journal of Economics Southern Economic Journal
经济学(季刊) 管理科学学报 南开经济研究
“认知经济学-跨学科观点”,作者保罗·布尔吉纳,让-皮埃尔·纳达尔 (第二译者)